Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Language Class Direction in MANBA

Hallo guys! I just want to sharing with you all. This is about Our Language Class Direction in MANBA. Do you know MANBA? That’s right! MANBA is Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Bangkalan. In there we are study four foreign language, that's it Indonesia Language, Arabic, Deutsch, and English Language.  And we have to around the world with our language. We are very very happy in language class direction, because language is our soul.

In our class, anymore lesson. That’s it Education Nationality, Deutsch, Literature Indonesia, Indonesia Language, Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits, Arabic Language, History, Literature English, English Language, Technology Information and Communication, Culture Art, Fiqh (understanding religion), Antrophology, Aqidah-Akhlak (believe of God and figure), Sport, and Mathemathic. I have many the best teacher’s in there.

Our  teacher’s in Language Class Direction is Mr. Markus  for  Education Nationality, Mrs. Dian for Deutsch, Mrs. Mas’udah for Literature Indonesia, Mrs. Hana for Indonesia Language, Mr. Syu’aib for Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits, Mr. Jausi for Arabic Language, Mr. Sholeh for History, Mrs. Aminah for Literature English, Mrs. Ayu for English Language, Mr. Didit  for Technology Information and Communication, Mrs. Nunung for Culture Art, Mr. Mashudi Mahfud for Fiqh, Mrs. Jasiroh for Antrophology, Mrs. Sa’adah for Aqidah-Akhlak, Mr. Hayyi for Mathemathic, and Mr. Mahfud for Sport.

The all teacher’s in our Language Class Direction manykind type, any interrasted, enjoy, smart, learned, patient, and any distinct, diligently, example, etc.  I think, just with our language the life among the dead. Now that we’re here, we must can speak, listen, write, and read with English Language, Arabic Language, Indonesia Language, and Deutsch Language.

And I believe, in Language Class Direction will turn up young’s people success with them language ! I have to ambition in Language Class Direction, that's it I want to around the world. And I must do it! I have a dream to go to Australia, Arab Saudi, Germany, England, Netherlands, Japan, etc. Surely, with our language. I hope I can do it ! AMIN, AMIN YA RABBAL 'ALAMIN….!!! Ok, thank you guys for your visited in my blog, see you later!

This is Our Language Class Direction in MANBA :

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